February 12, 2016

Bhakti is the ONLY way to achieve global peace. There is NO other way.

Bhakti is the ONLY way to achieve global peace.
There is NO other way.

SOURCE: Read the full article here.
The bhakti movement alone can save humanity.
When one takes on to bhakti, all hankering after transient pleasures and assets ceases.
Without such hankering, the need to resort to trickery or violence or any other stratagem (to acquire assets or take over the assets of others) also disappears.
This, after all, is the precondition for global peace. In fact, this is the only way that peace can prevail.
In the absence of bhakti, all talk of peace is more hoodwinking of the people of the world.
There can be no peace as long as one megalomaniac, such as Ravana or Hiranyakashipu or the many modern day asuras, exists. But if this megalomaniac gives up his hankering and resorts to bhakti, then he too can be reformed.
Thus bhakti is the ONLY way to get peace in the world. Without bhakti in the world, peace is a pipe dream.

Read the full article here.