How to get rid of sadness and depression
When the mind and body have been deflated and defeated by sadness, dejection, depression and fatigue, what can you do to get out of that drowning whirlpool?
You can chant the Akshaya Maha Mantra which will pull you out of the depths of depression, rejuvenate you with spiritual shakti and infuse you with enthusiasm.
The "sadhana" of this Akshaya Maha Mantra is the cure for sadness and depression!
What is this Akshaya Maha Mantra? It is a wonderful mantra given by Sathguru Venkataraman. It is as follows:
"Sivaya Sivaha,
Raamaadhi Raamaha,
Brahmaadhi Brahmaha,
Akshaya Akshaya Akshayaha" - The "Ha"kaara Hara Shakti Akshaya Maha Mantra given by Sathguru Venkataraman that puts an end to depression!
Sathguru Venkataraman gave this wonderful mantra to us during our physical seva (service) in the Uttamar Kovil Temple (of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu) near Trichy.
This mantra has been used in many "homam" fire ceremonies conducted by the Sathguru, including our homam at Arasar Koil during our Vishnupathi celebration there in honor of Mother Sundara Maha Lakshmi and Lord Kamala Varadaraja Perumal.
This maha mantra is packed with the Hara Shakti that the
"ha" Maheswara Sutra brims with. And it is relevant here because the Maheswara Sutra for Day 2 of the 2015 Karthigai Deepam is the "ha" sutra.
Ohm Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva, Aruna-ShivOhm.