September 25, 2008

Saptha Maathaa Shakti Navratri - Navaratri of the Sarvadhari Year - September, October 2008 - Nine Nights of the Mother Goddess

What is Navaratri?

Nava = Nine. Ratri = Night. Thus Navaratri = Nine Nights.

The nine nights of Navaratri are particularly important for the worship of the Universal Mother.

The first nine thithis of the waxing moon phase that immediately follow Mahalaya Amavasya are referred to as Sharada Navaratri. This generally occurs in the September/October timeframe each year.

Similarly there is Vasanta Navratri in spring and two other Navaratris each year. Of these four, the Sharada Navaratri is the most popular. These days, it seems to be the only one that people celebrate! What should be an once per month observance has been relegated to once per year!

Maasa (Monthly) Navaratri

Over the years, Sathguru Venkataraman taught us that the first nine thithis of every waxing moon phase must be celebrated as maasa Navratri or monthly Navaratri. This monthly Navarathri observance is that much more important for Devi Upasakas (devotees of the Mother Goddess).

Sathguru Venkataraman was an expert non pareil in all facets of the worship of the Universal Mother. His sadhana started at the tender age of eight and he went on to master the most secret Vaalai Manonmani Yoga under the tutelage of his Siddha Sathguru. Devotees would do well to heed Sathguru Venkataraman's advice to observe monthly Navaratri and hasten their own spiritual uplift. 

In this Sarvadhari year, Navaratri starts on September 29 2008 IST and lasts till October 9, 2008 IST. Refer to the Agasthiar Panchang Spiritual Calendar for other time zones.

Saptha Maathaa Shakti Navaratri

The special feature of Navaratri 2008 is the Universal Mother Goddess's advent along with the seven Saptha Matrika Devis and two Adi Dwara Palaki gate keepers on the nine nights of this Sarvadhari Navaratri.

Siddha worship procedures for each of the nine nights...
Click here to read more.
