Ohm Shree Agasthia Vinayaka Ganeshaya Namaha.
The Siddha secrets regarding the "Arunachala Karthigai Deepam Sacred Festival of 2015" have been explained in great detail in close to 40 pages in the November 2015 issue of Sri Agasthia Vijayam, our Siddha monthly magazine, made available to the public in October 2015.
This is our customary yearly issue full of Siddha insights concerning the Great Karthigai Deepam Festival of the current year in Arunachala.
Siddha Sathguru Venkataraman referred to the upcoming Great Karthigai Deepam of Year 2015 as the
"Maheswara Maha-Sutra Maha-Shakti Arunachala Deepam."
To read the full article, click here...
Ohm Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva, Aruna-ShivOhm.